Wednesday, September 22, 2021

LGBTQ in Kenya? Yes! And they need our help.

Many in our community get upset (and rightly so) when we are miss-gendered, maligned or dead-named, but honestly, that is nothing compared to what many of our LGBTQIA+ friends are facing in countries that are not as progressive as Canada regarding sexual and gender identities, or even on human rights. 

The Crisis in Afghanistan has become main stream news, horrific and beyond the comprehension of most of us in the West, but add to that being LGBTQIA+ and you have the formula for a living nightmare.

The Trans Canada Project was recently messaged by Marc Lee, one of several LGBTQIA+ refugees living in the Kakuma Refugee Camps. Even though they have reached out for aid and provided shelter, they continue to feel persecution based on their orientation. They are discriminated against, abused and attacked because of their sexual and gender orientation. 

Marc writes (grammatically paraphrased):

"I fled from my country of Uganda when people found out I was gay. They wanted to kill me, but I managed to escape.

I found my way to Nairobi and registered at the UNHCR - the UN Refugee Agency - and was brought to the Kakuma Refugee Camp where I was put in the receipt center. A few weeks later, I was given a shelter in the community.

A few days after we arrived, while we were going to fetch some water, we were attacked by Ethiopians who did not want to associate with us because we were gay. They started a fight. 

When we went to the police to report what happened, the police officer asked us if we were Ugandans and when we said yes, they told us to go back to our country because they were tired of queer people in their country.  

We left and went back to our community, but at noon we were called back to the police station and we were put in a cell.

We managed to contact the UNHCR offices to seek protection. But we were tear gassed and brutally beaten. They even used bullets to bring us back to the same place we had been attacked in the first place.

On June 19th, a massive number of homophobic people attacked us during the day and started beating us. We managed to fight back, but we could not withstand the attack. We called the police and the police did not show up.

On April 15th, we were attacked during the night as we were sleeping and our shelters were set on fire. Two of my gay friends were seriously injured. One of them has since died and the other is still in hospital nursing their wounds. 

On August 16th, the same thing happened, as fires were set in the shelters and everything was destroyed including mattresses, blankets, clothes, food and documents.

We are currently sleeping outside with no mattresses and starving. We need assistance."  

Next time you feel persecuted, whether you are queer or not, remember our friends in those countries where hatred and violence are the acceptable answers to differences of opinion. The hate must stop. This is no way to treat a fellow human being.

At the Trans Canada Project, we try to help those in our community by sharing the stories of Trans people across Canada. In this case we were moved to share the story of Marc Lee from Uganda. If you are also moved by their story, and you have the resources, then please take action. You can help by making a donation to the UNHCR, through their website: UNHCR Canada

"Love Wins" we say. But perhaps we could give Love a little help.

Monday, September 6, 2021

Meet Luna (she/her)

What follows is a transcript from Luna''s video, which you can watch here:


Hi, I'm Lana, and my pronouns are she/her and I'm a transwoman.

I want to talk about how HRT saved my life. When I was like, I must have been like 15, 16 when I came out. I was miserable all the time, and up until then, I didn't really understand why.

I just didn't really feel right ever. I was like 14. 14, 13 years are hard. I came out as bi and I was like, this is something. But I still don't feel whole, really. And I just sort of continued to feel that way until I figured out that I was transwoman.

And everything in life just immediately started to make more sense. I was happy. I felt like myself and my social life was just right and I had never felt that before. But dysphoria was really, really hard.

I spent years where the only thing I could think about was going to the bathtub and castrating myself, because I just needed relief from that. And the urge to do that. It was something I managed to resist because I knew that I would probably bleed out in the bathtub had I tried to do that, and that would have been not right.

So when I started blockers about two and a half months ago now, I felt so much better almost instantly. And when I started estrogen a month ago, I felt even better.

My life is so much higher quality and so much happier, and my body feels like my home for the first time ever. So. If you ever question that and I think you should pursue it, because I found so much better of a life for myself by doing it when I actually came out, my family was, you know, pretty shocked and pretty confused. Took them a while to understand, and I got delayed for a few years because I. Well, I had an unrelated medical issue that made it so I was not physically sick, physically or mentally stable enough to start for about two or three years.

And then immediately after that, I was like, I'm finally ready. Let's do it, aAnd coronavirus happens and I am not going to go get the various blood tests I need at the very beginning of the pandemic when we still don't know what's going on. So that delayed me another year. But we're here now. That's what matters.

A lot of us, my family, just needed time to understand, and my mom took on some papers and beliefs that weren't well founded like Lisa Littman's idea of like rapid onset gender dysphoria, and that wasn't really her fault. It's easy to make these mistakes if you don't have like a good source for someone telling you that this is wrong. It's easy to make that kind of mistake, especially ones like, you know, a well accredited DR prestigious university.

Even if it all turned out to be bullshit later, admittedly, like so it was about reeducating my family. It was about being patient. And then it was about the medical issues where I fell very, very sick because of my allergies, actually, because vaping was just starting to become popular. And in my high school, people were vaping indoors and I was just getting really, really sick in school. And it actually damaged my body so much that I was pretty much immobilized for several months. And yeah, so it took me a very long time to recover from that, both physically and psychologically.

So that delayed me for a while because I didn't want to start the process in an unstable place and then fail and have to start again, because after the other challenges I had, I figured that type of trauma would destroy me.

So I waited and that was hard. That was probably the hardest part, knowing that I had to make the choice for myself to wait, because if I didn't, I would be putting myself in an unsafe situation by doing it.

My relationship with my family, it struggled for a few years because they didn't have the understanding they needed to support me. And I wasn't in a place where I could really teach them. So we struggled with that for a long time.

But eventually it all worked out in a sense. And it also really got kicked off when I got this job with the government and I said, I'm not going to do this as a man. And this is it. Like, you can't stop me and this is going to be how I live. And that seemed to turn around for them, I guess. And now they're really supportive and it's really great.

I'm just less afraid now. I know I still you know, I'm still going to be clocked as trans, but I'm OK with that. My body feels like mine. My. Head feels like mine. My thoughts feel like mine now. In the past, they didn't really feel like they fit and they didn't. And now they do. And I know that's a bit Rambley, but I feel like myself. And that has been the biggest joy of all of it. Really.

My dreams are really to continue to pursue my studies in environmental resource management. And, you know, maybe un-destroy the world from capitalism can be pretty great. But in regards to myself, I really just want to keep living my life. And I'm you know, I haven't made any decisions about surgeries and whatnot, but I know the options out there and I feel good about them. I just you know, we'll see how my body and mind feel at the time.

If I could talk to myself in the past, I would say that it's going to work out. There is a reason you feel disconnected from society. You're not wrong. You're not broken. You struggle to socialize for a reason. It's not a mental health condition. It's not you just being wrong. It's the fact that you're not who you really are and you will get there and it will be OK.

What I've learned is that I can be myself, that I don't need to stop being myself, that I have freedom and I have a life and that I, I get to live it how I want.

Don't question people's identities. Even if you're part of the community, there may be a person's identity or sexuality that you don't understand. But that doesn't mean it's any less valid than your own. By slicing up the community, drawing these like battle lines between like who you think is valid and invalid, that only hurts us.

People with neo pronouns are valid. People with more complex sexualities are valid. And to try and say that we have this line of acceptability that's only going to hurt the community, only going to make it easier to hurt us.

People's identities are valid, and none of us are in a position to tell anyone how to live their lives.


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Meet Andy (He/Him)

What follows is a transcript from Andy''s video, which you can watch here: ____________________________...