Showing posts with label Patreon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Patreon. Show all posts

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Do you believe in Platypus'?

Remember the first time you heard about the Platypus? It seemed almost inconceivable that there could be a strange creature with a beaver's body, a squirrel's tale, duck's webbed feet and a bill, a warm blooded mammal that lays eggs. It sounded like a fantasy, like some kind of chimera, as hard to believe as mermaids or unicorns. And yet they do exist. They are very real.

Once we accept the existence of the platypus, our world is changed. It becomes part of our sphere of understanding. We can still choose to not believe they exist, but that will not change the fact that they do.

How many people in this world have the privilege of meeting a Trans person? I say privilege because it's rare, or at least it seems rare, though many may have met Transgender people without even being aware of it because those individuals felt the need to be "stealth", to hide their identity to feel safe. 

It is human nature to find things that are beyond our experience and call them strange. We may even consider them "unnatural", but once something is known, it becomes "normalized", we expand our understanding and we are better for it. Exploring things that are unknown and making them known is how we come to understand the world we live in. 

We take things for granted every day that only a few decades ago seemed like nonsense; computers, cell phones, cars that can drive themselves. Sometimes the things we discover, we could never have imagined or even thought possible, and yet, embracing the differences and expanding our horizons enriches our lives to the point where we wonder how we ever lived without them!

Now, think about your views of Trans people - even if you are Trans yourself. What a strange creature, right? How can they (we) possibly exist? But we do! Being transgender is a real thing. We exist. We are not imaginary, or the product of some choice we make.

The Trans Canada Project exists to tell the stories of us platypus people. To enrich all our lives by showing those who are unaware that we do exist, and help those who are coming to terms with being Trans to know that it can be a blessing.

Help us tell these stories - support The Trans Canada Project and help us tell the stories of Trans Folk across the country. We are real people, living real lives, with real needs and making real contributions to our communities.

Look us up!


Meet Andy (He/Him)

What follows is a transcript from Andy''s video, which you can watch here: ____________________________...